How To Create A Signature Logo Image For Free? - Digital Signature Tips
Briefs: An easy tutorial for people need a decent digital signature for any purpose: Standard way creates a stunning digital signature via free, open source software GIMP. You'll find another easier signature logo creator free online. For digital signature fonts, 5 awesome typefaces are introduced.
It's beneficial to create your own digital signature for photography, email or video. The digital signature will protect your copyright. A stunning digital signature also shares your taste and innovation! If you plan to create a signature logo, the free solutions mentioned in the rest paragraphs will be referable and helpful.
Part 1 - Awesome Fonts for Digital Signatures
To create a distinctive digital signature, you'd better prepare some elegant fonts, especially when your signature image editor is Photoshop, HubSpot, Lightroom, AI, GIMP or another powerful tool.
Design Your Signature LogoWe'll suggest 5 best fonts for your digital signatures. For your record, thousands of graphic designers have applied them in their own art signatures:
#1.Quentin Font
- Pricing: Free
- Download:

Pic Source:
#2.Dolce Vita Font
- Pricing: Free
- Download:

Pic Source:
#3.Helvetice Neue Font
- Pricing: Free
- Download:

Pic Source:
#4.Anthoni Signature Font
- Pricing: Free for Personal Use
- Download:

Pic Source:
#5.Caprizant Font
- Pricing: $19-$29
- Download:

Pic Source:
Apart from 5 signature fonts above, there are many more stylish fonts available for digital signatures. Before downloading and using a font, pay attention to the font copyright.
Make a Digital SignaturePart 2 - How to Create A Digital Signature Logo for Free Using GIMP?
If you haven't installed GIMP yet(free to download & use), you can download it from GIMP official website:
You'll want to create your signature logo in the format of transparent PNG. Such a format allows you to apply your digital signature on all kinds of backgrounds/images/videos perfectly.
How to Design Your Digital Signature in GIMP?
Step 1.Create a new transparent background image for your digital signature:
Go [File] > [New], choose a default image size from [Template:] drop-down list. Here, we pick "640 x 480". Hit [+ Advanced Options], go "Background color" and "Transparency", then press [OK].

Image: Create a transparent background for signature image.
Step 2.Use GIMP Text Tool to sign your name:
In Toolbox, find GIMP Text Tool labeled [A] and give it a click. Go to your transparent canvas, click and drag a signature space. Enter a typeface name in the first blank, select your signature font, and keystroke [Enter]. Then, use keyboard to type your signature letters and adjust the appearance of your signature to make the signature letters lying on the same line.

Image: Select a typeface for digital signature.
Step 3.Use GIMP Move Tool to center your signature:
Keystroke "Ctrl"+"Shift" + "L", or choose GIMP Move Tool directly. Drag and drop your signature to the center or other position you prefer.

Image: Move the position of digital signature.
Step 4.Export your digital signature to a transparent PNG image:
Go [File] > [Export As], enter the file name of your signature image, and hit [Export] and [Export]. Your digital signature watermark logo will be downloaded automatically.

Image: Export signature logo image.
Design Your PNG-transparent SignaturePart 3 - How to Create a Digital Signature Logo for Free Online?
Find it not easy to design a handsome digital signature with GIMP, PS, LR or another mainstream graphics editor? Aye! Without design background & knowledge, average joes can hardly know how to design a signature well, though having a powerful editing tool.
Free Logo TemplatesIf you are one of the average joes without design experiences, you are not alone! Give a try on the free online logo maker below. You'll find thousands of professional signature design ideas available for customization. For example:
Click above signature template and customize your logo image.
Make a Custom Logo SignatureYou can search for more signature ideas & templates by entering keywords in DesignEvo logo maker.
When you find your preferred signature templates, you can follow the steps to customize your signature:
- Click on a template and enter the design interface.
- Select the logo text, enter your signature text.
- Customize your signature design by drag-and-drops. You can even try a different typeface.
- Preview and download your digital signature.
Part 4 - Words at Last
Indeed, DesignEvo free online signature generator offers you an easier way with much much more signature designs. With it, you are away from troubles of finding and downloading a signature font. Without any design experience, you can easily know if you are making a professional signature that you want.
For those who use GIMP to design their digital signatures, they will learn more about designs and fonts. Also, GIMP users will spend more time trying different fonts and styles.
Whether you prefer GIMP or the other online signature generator to make your digital signature, we hope you've made your wanted signature image.