Free Logo Templates
DesignEvo provides a great number of well-designed logo templates for you to choose from. You can get some creative ideas and customize them to craft a personal logo design.
Make a Logo for FreeLogo Template Library
DesignEvo has offered rich logo templates for users and keeps updating templates constantly. All these logo templates in various themes and different are created by our professional designers. Whether you want to make a modern logo, vintage logo, or minimalist logo, you can find a suitable one to start.

Logo Templates by Category
All the ready-made logo templates are displayed in different categories according to its design elements or the industry it is related to. You can find logo design templates about food, music, sports, technology, etc. Besides, we've picked some popular logo templates for you to start your design quickly.

Searchable Logo Templates
You may feel it is a little troublesome to find a logo template by browsing through the category because of the huge quantity. Don't be worried. DesignEvo enables you to search the logo templates by imputing the keywords in the search box. Just take a look at results to find the one that matches your business perfectly.

Add Templates to Favorites
If you find a logo design template you like and want to mark it, just click the heart button on the corner of the template to add it to My Favorites. When you want to flip through these logo templates, go to My Favorites. It is also available to customize the template in the logo editor by clicking it directly.